The banded bullfrog or Asian painted frog is usually just known as the chubby frog in the pet trade.
Tag Archives: Expo
Three-toed Box Turtle
The three-toed box turtle is a subspecies of the same box turtle species as the recently posted Florida box turtle.
Red-knee Tarantula
The red-knee tarantula is a large terrestrial spider from Mexico.
Florida Box Turtle
The Florida box turtle is an turtle from the swamps of Florida.
Sharp-nosed Viper
The sharp-nosed viper is a beautiful venomous snake from Southeast Asia.
Pancake Tortoise
The pancake tortoise is so named because it is flat as a pancake — at least compared to other tortoises.
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
The eastern diamondback rattlesnake is a venomous snake native to the southeastern part United States. It is the largest rattlesnake.
Canadian Pet Expo 2015
As usual I like to visit animal shows. So I did go to the Canadian Pet Expo that was held this weekend in the International Centre in Mississauga, Ontario.
Diamondback Terrapin
Diamondback terrapins are similar to freshwater turtles but they live in brackish water of varying salinity.
Hornworms are caterpillars that turn into a moth after pupation.

December 5, 2014
by DDD
Pond Slider
Pond sliders have three subspecies. Red-eared sliders are the most common in the pet trade but the other two, the yellow-bellied slider and the Cumberland slider are also fairly common.

November 26, 2014
by DDD
Monkey-tailed Skink
The monkey-tailed skink is an arboreal lizard from the Solomon Islands.
Emperor Scorpion
The emperor scorpion is a scorpion originally from the African savanna.
Asian Forest Scorpion
The Asian forest scorpion is very common in the pet trade because its sting is usually not deadly to humans.
Indian Star Tortoise
The Indian star tortoise looks like the Burmese star tortoise, but unlike its cousin the Indian star tortoise is not endangered in the wild.
Toronto Reptile Expo
After visiting the 2014 Canadian Reptile Breeders Expo I have started to look at other opportunities to see reptiles.
Leopard Tortoise
The leopard tortoise is the second largest tortoise on the African savanna.
Green Mamba
The green mamba is one of the most venomous snakes in the world.
Red-foot Tortoise
Red-foot tortoises are from South America.
Tortoises in the Genus Testudo
Tortoises in the genus Testudo are herbivorous land dwelling tortoises from southern Europe, West Asia and North Africa.