Happy New Year in 2020!
Winter is Here Again (2019)
Today it has started snowing again in Toronto.
Long-eared owl
The long-eared owl is an owl species found both in Eurasia and North America.
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Disaster Strikes My Nano Reef Tank
Apparently I have not thought about redundancy enough.
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European Bison
The European bison is a bovine animal similar to the American bison but from the Eurasian continent.
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WD40 and Duct Tape
To fix things you only need two things: WD40 and Duct tape.
If something moves that shouldn’t, use the Duct tape, if it does not move when it should, use the WD40.
Chilean Rose Tarantula
The Chilean rose tarantula is a large spider from the desert regions of South America.
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Site Update
As you may have noticed I wasn’t posting much recently. It is because I had to spend my time dealing with technical issues and moving the blog to a different computer. On the plus side it should be loading faster now.
Hopefully I will be able to post more real content in the near future.
Happy New Year 2019
Happy New Year, everyone!
The significance of the lentil soup has been discussed before.
Pom Pom Crab
The pom pom crab is a crab that carries anemones on its claws to use as a weapon.
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Winter is Coming 2018
It seems winter has arrived early this year.
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Freedom of Speech
I grew up in a communist country where we have, perhaps mistakenly, thought that the difference between communist dictatorships and the western democracies was that in a free and democratic society “freedom of speech” meant that you still had your freedom after you have delivered the speech.
The sad thing is that people seem to be giving up this fundamental right willingly after their ancestors have fought revolutions and wars to have it.
Further Readings:
Amorphophallus titanum
Recently there was a rare opportunity to see a flowering corpse flower in the Toronto Zoo.
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In Memoriam
The Reef Aquarium Hobby and Me
I have been in the aquarium hobby since I was a little kid but I have only got involved with salt water after I have moved to Canada.
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Election Day in Ontario 2018
After listening to several months of mudslinging, constant lies, deception and self praise it is finally election day here in Ontario.
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Have Your Cake and Eat It Too
The English language seems to have won the war, and it has become the lingua franca of the entire world.
So after successfully convincing the world that everyone has to speak English why do British people mistakenly think that they still somehow own the English language?
Success can be its own punishment.
Today’s Science Topic: DHMO
DHMO is a dangerous chemical that is already everywhere in our environment.
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March 18, 2018
by DDD
The Giant Pandas are Moving to Calgary
I have written a post some time ago about the Giant Pandas int he Toronto Zoo.
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Indian Rhino Calf
An Indian Rhino was born in the Toronto Zoo recently. I took some picture the last time I was at the zoo.
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