Happy new year in the Year of the Horse. 新年快樂
Month: January 2014
Red-winged Parrot
Red winged parrots originally come from Australia. People occasionally keep them as pets but they are nowhere near as popular as budgies.
Cerianthus Tube Anemone
Cerianthus tube anemones are not photosynthetic. In fact they are not really anemones either but cousins of the true anemones.
White Lions
White lions are just a color variation, not a separate species. They really are otherwise completely normal lions — only their fur is white, they are not albinos.
Frowspawn Coral
Frogspawn corals are large-polyped stony corals whose needs are few. They are so named because they resemble actual frog eggs. I have acquired this specimen sort of “by accident” in a coral cutting workshop during a Marine Aquarium Society of … Continue reading

January 26, 2014
by DDD
The Tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat currently in existence.
Vermetid Snail
Vermetid snails are marine snails that don’t particularly look like snails. Most people who have them in their reef tank might not even know that the Vermetid snails are there.
Oil Film Rainbow
As light passes through thin layers of oil on the surface of water the various colors separate and we see a rainbow or the colors of the rainbow.

January 22, 2014
by DDD
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The Aftermath of the December 2013 Power Blackouts in Toronto
It seems that power blackouts in Toronto are just way too common. There seems to be a really big one every ten years or so (in 2003 because of the hot weather, and in 2013 because of the ice storm) … Continue reading
Feather Duster Worms
Feather duster worms are polychaete worms just like the bristle worms in a previous post.
Camel Shrimp
There is some disagreement if someone should even include any Camel Shrimp in a reef aquarium as they have the unfortunate tendency to snack on coral polyps.
Hungarian Sausages
Hungarian sausages are typically spicy and fatty. The fresh ones are eaten fried and they sort of resemble Italian sausages, but with a lot stronger flavour.
Aiptasia anemones are a common pest in reef aquariums. They will take over any free surface and likely kill other corals in the process.
Common Raven
The Common Raven (Corvus corax) like all corvids is a highly intelligent bird.
My First Bubble Tip Anemone
This was my first bubble tip anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor). It had the most beautiful colors, a kind of metallic green with nice pink tips that really bubbled.
Oven Fried Chicken Thighs
Oven fried chicken thighs. Note that the these were fried with the skin on which gives a better taste also preserves fat.
Boiled Bacon
Most North Americans only eat bacon fried on a griddle or in a pan or on the BBQ. But bacon can be eaten in many ways, e.g. just smoked and dried (kind of like how one eats salami) and for … Continue reading
Brazilian Giant Cockroach
The Brazilian Giant Cockroach is a cockroach that is about 10cm long. It really is huge for a cockroach.
Wild Ducks
The wild ducks also know as mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) is the ancestor of most of our domestic ducks that are used for the production of all the deliciousness mentioned in other posts on this site.
New Year’s Day 2014
First of all: Happy New Year, everyone. New Year’s Day is a special celebration in most cultures where great significance is given to everything that we eat. It is quite common to attribute an almost magical power to ordinary food … Continue reading