A picture of pieces Schmalzbrot with Duck Fat.

Schmalzbrot with Duck Fat

A picture of pieces Schmalzbrot with Duck Fat.

Schmalzbrot with Duck Fat.

Schmalzbrot (animal fat spread on bread) containing duck fat.

I know it has bread in it, which in turn has starch (sugar) in it, which is something I am advocating against.

See also: Why is Fat Your Friend.

But there is no reason to be so religious about it.
Also, while I don’t do it very often, I can bake a really good bread.

This was one of the ways how people traditionally consumed fat, especially in Europe.
For some reason it never really became popular on the American continent.

Duck fat is high in unsaturated fats and as the picture shows it is almost liquid at room temperature.
It tastes absolutely wonderful.

The specimen shown in the picture was made from home baked bread, duck fat that has dripped out of a piece of duck that I have roasted in the oven, and it was seasoned with a pinch of salt and some garlic.

I have found this website which seems to be dedicated entirely to Schmalzbrot.

Last updated: December 27, 2013

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