The European bison is a bovine animal similar to the American bison but from the Eurasian continent.
Tag Archives: Mammal

March 18, 2018
by DDD
The Giant Pandas are Moving to Calgary
I have written a post some time ago about the Giant Pandas int he Toronto Zoo.
Indian Rhino Calf
An Indian Rhino was born in the Toronto Zoo recently. I took some picture the last time I was at the zoo.
Wild Boar
The wild boaris the wild ancestor of most domestic pigs.
Eurasian Red Squirrel
The Eurasian red squirrel is a tree squirrel native to Eurasia.
Sleeping Kitten
I am once again trying to use the Internet for its second most important purpose, to distribute pictures of domestic cats.
Even though the word hog conjures up the image of a porcine animal the groundhog is really a rodent.
Persian Fallow Deer
The Persian fallow deer is a majestic deer species that is now endangered.
Savannah Kittens
The Savannah cat is a hybrid between the domestic cat and the wild African serval.
Patas Monkey
The patas moneky, also known as the hussar monkey because of its mustache, is an old world monkey from Africa.
Red Ruffed Lemur
The red ruffed lemur is one of the two species of ruffed lemurs the other one being the black-and-white ruffled lemur.
The nutria or coypu is a large ratlike semi-aquatic rodent from South America.
Pictures of Miscellaneous Cats from Hungary
As I said before distributing pictures of domestic cats appears to be one of the main reasons for the existence of the Internet.
South American Coati
The South American coati is a species of coati from the tropical regions of South America.
Small Pet and Plant Expo, Budapest, 2015
I like to go to pet expos, so I was happy when I have noticed that there was one held in Budapest just as I was passing through.
Meerkats or suricates are mammals in the mongoose family.
Boehm’s Zebra
Boehm’s zebras, also known as Grant’s zebras are yet another kind of zebra from Africa.
The Ankole-Watusi longhorn cattle is an African breed of domestic cattle.
Greater Kudu
The greater kudu is one of the two antelope species known as kudu.
The gaur is the largest bovine currently in existence, they are native to Southeast Asia.