The long-eared owl is an owl species found both in Eurasia and North America.
Tag Archives: Animal
European Bison
The European bison is a bovine animal similar to the American bison but from the Eurasian continent.
Chilean Rose Tarantula
The Chilean rose tarantula is a large spider from the desert regions of South America.
Pom Pom Crab
The pom pom crab is a crab that carries anemones on its claws to use as a weapon.
In Memoriam

March 18, 2018
by DDD
The Giant Pandas are Moving to Calgary
I have written a post some time ago about the Giant Pandas int he Toronto Zoo.
Indian Rhino Calf
An Indian Rhino was born in the Toronto Zoo recently. I took some picture the last time I was at the zoo.
Mute Swan
The mute swan is native to Eurasia, but wild populations exist on other continents as well.
European Rhinoceros Beetle
The European rhinoceros beetle is one of the largest beetles found in Europe. It can grow up to nearly two inches long.
Grass Eggar
The grass eggar is a moth common all over Europe.
Tabby Kitten
Still doing my part to distribute pictures of domestic cats on the Internet.
Little Devil Poison Frog
The little devil poison frog is a species of poison dart frog from South America.
Fire Belly Toad
Fire belly toads are small frogs belonging to several species in the genus Bombina.
Wild Boar
The wild boaris the wild ancestor of most domestic pigs.
Eurasian Red Squirrel
The Eurasian red squirrel is a tree squirrel native to Eurasia.
Bengal Cat
The Bengal cat is a designer breed of domestic cat that was created by crossing domestic cats with the Asian leopard cat.
Canadian Reptile Breeders’ Expo Fall, 2016
This years Canadian Reptile Breeders’ Expo was held in the International Center in Mississauga along with this fall’s Canadian Pet Expo.
Box Tree Moth
The box tree moth is native to East Asia but it has become an invasive pest all over Europe.
Sleeping Kitten
I am once again trying to use the Internet for its second most important purpose, to distribute pictures of domestic cats.
Northern Pike
The northern pike is a predatory fish found all over the northern hemisphere.