Unlike the biscuits with pork cracklings that I have shown earlier these were made by someone who actually knows how to bake good biscuits. I just wanted to show how they really supposed to look like.
Year: 2013
Foie Gras de Canard
Foie gras de canard (fattened duck liver) is the liver of a duck that has been force fed to become fat. Particularly its liver gets abnormally enlarged.
Guppies are one of the most common aquarium fish. Liked by beginners because they are easy to keep and breed and adored by enthusiasts who are into breeding fancy versions of guppies.
December 27, 2013
by DDD
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Ever wondered why is it that American and Canadian cents are called pennies but British pence are called pee?
Dendrophyllia Coral
Dendrophyllia corals do not contain zooxanthellae and they do not require light to live.
Just My Christmas Dinner
Really just my Christmas dinner.
Roast Duck Thighs and Breast
Duck meat cooked in the oven. It is seasoned only with some salt and garlic and then slow roasted in the oven.
Bristle Worm
Bristle worms are polychaete worms which are a annelid worms just like the oligochaeta , a group that includes the common earth worms. They do sort of look like an earth worm with bristles.
Rock Flower Anemones
Rock flower anemones are incredibly beautiful although somewhat expensive anemones. An article about flower anemones on the Reef Builders website.
Peppermint Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimps are often kept in reef tanks to eat the pest Aiptasia anemones.
Schnitzel — a tenderized, breaded deep fried slice of meat — is one of the most common meat dishes around the world.
Hungarian Meat Loaf (Fasirt)
Generally the Hungarian word “fasirt” (fah-sheert) can refer to different kinds of spiced and fried meat dishes made of ground or sometimes chopped meat that is not filled into sausage casings.
Nassarius Snail Spawning
A Nassarius snail Spawning on the glass of my refugium (the same one where I breed my Amphipods).
Fighting Conch
For whatever reason these snails are called the Fighting Conch even though they don’t seem to fight.
Tubifex worms
Tubifex small annelid worms that are most commonly known as a type of live fish food.
Edible Hard Clam
In America these are sometimes referred to as quahog. They are mostly used as food.
A Hermit Crab
Most reef aquarists include some sort of hermit crabs to eat algae, scavenge for leftover food, etc.

December 11, 2013
by DDD
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Lawnmower Blenny Resting behind a Patch of Cabbage Leather Coral
It is called a Lawnmower Blenny because it eats algae, but it also eats other fish food.
December 10, 2013
by DDD
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Today someone has left some advertisement for the services of a psychic on the wind shield of my car.
Of course I threw it into the trash.
But wouldn’t it be more efficient for a psychic to only leave promotional material on the the cars belonging to people who actually believed in psychics?
Brine Shrimp
Brine shrimps are tiny little crustaceans that usually live in lakes with really high salt concentration. For some reason they are also called Sea Monkeys — probably a clever marketing ploy.