The long-eared owl is an owl species found both in Eurasia and North America.
Tag Archives: Zoo
European Bison
The European bison is a bovine animal similar to the American bison but from the Eurasian continent.
Chilean Rose Tarantula
The Chilean rose tarantula is a large spider from the desert regions of South America.

March 18, 2018
by DDD
The Giant Pandas are Moving to Calgary
I have written a post some time ago about the Giant Pandas int he Toronto Zoo.
Indian Rhino Calf
An Indian Rhino was born in the Toronto Zoo recently. I took some picture the last time I was at the zoo.
Fire Belly Toad
Fire belly toads are small frogs belonging to several species in the genus Bombina.
Wild Boar
The wild boaris the wild ancestor of most domestic pigs.
Eurasian Red Squirrel
The Eurasian red squirrel is a tree squirrel native to Eurasia.
Northern Pike
The northern pike is a predatory fish found all over the northern hemisphere.
Ball Python
Royal pythons, or as they are more commonly known ball pythons, are relatively small constrictor snakes from sub-Saharan Africa.
Greenbottle Blue Tarantula
The greenbottle blue tarantula is a large beautiful spider from South America.
Persian Fallow Deer
The Persian fallow deer is a majestic deer species that is now endangered.
Ferocious Water Bug
Ferocious water bugs, also known as toe biters are large predatory bugs.
Pacific Rattlesnake
The Northern Pacific rattlesnake is one of the few rattlesnake species that live in Canada.
Green and Black Poison Dart Frog
The green and black poison dart frog is another poison dart frog native to Central and South America.
Mexican Beaded Lizard
The Mexican beaded lizard is a venomous lizard from Mexico that looks a lot like the closely related gila monster, except it has yellowish patches not pink ones.
Violet Turaco
The violet turaco, also known as the violaceous plantain eater is a colorful bird from Africa.
Frilled Lizard
The frilled lizard, also known as the frilled dragon is a fascinating lizard resembling something from from the age of the dinosaurs.
Boelen’s Python
The Boelen’s python is a stunningly beautiful python from Papua New Guinea.
Rococo Toad
The rococo toad is a large South American species of toad that looks a lot like a marine toad.