Gary Taubes talks on The Agenda with Steve Paikin about the harm caused by sugar consumption.
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Pyxicephalus frogs, also known as African bullfrogs, or in the pet trade Pyxie frogs, are highly predatory frogs from Sub-Saharan Africa.
Giant Pandas in the Toronto Zoo
Giant pandas are endangered in the wild mainly because of habitat destruction in their native China. Zoos try to breed them in captivity with some success.
Vermetid Snail
Vermetid snails are marine snails that don’t particularly look like snails. Most people who have them in their reef tank might not even know that the Vermetid snails are there.
Wild Ducks
The wild ducks also know as mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) is the ancestor of most of our domestic ducks that are used for the production of all the deliciousness mentioned in other posts on this site.
Peppermint Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimps are often kept in reef tanks to eat the pest Aiptasia anemones.
Brine Shrimp
Brine shrimps are tiny little crustaceans that usually live in lakes with really high salt concentration. For some reason they are also called Sea Monkeys — probably a clever marketing ploy.
Rock Dwelling Porcelain Crab Filter Feeding
Another porcelain crab this one is a rock dwelling species.
Marine Amphipod
The marine amphipods that live in most reef aquariums are amazing creatures that look like tiny little shrimp.