The fire salamander is the best known salamander in Europe. Its range pretty much covers most of Europe.
Tag Archives: Amphibian
Pacman Frog
South American horned frogs are known as pacman frogs by amphibian hobbyists.
Toronto Reptile Expo
After visiting the 2014 Canadian Reptile Breeders Expo I have started to look at other opportunities to see reptiles.
Canadian Reptile Breeders Expo 2014
The 2014 Canadian Reptile and Exotic Pet Breeders Expo took place in the International Centre in Mississauga, Ontario, on the 13-15 of September 2014.
Blue Poison Dart Frog
The blue poison dart frogs are really poisonous.
European Tree Frog
The European tree frog is the only species (or according to some several species) of tree frogs that live in Hungary.
The Axolotl is a type of salamander from Mexico that does not metamorphosize into a grown up shape instead it reaches sexual maturity in its larval form.
Panamanian Golden Frog
The Panamanian golden frog is a critically endangered species of toad endemic to Panama.

May 11, 2014
by DDD
1 Comment
African Dwarf Frogs
African dwarf frogs are several species of aquatic frogs from the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa.
African Clawed Frog
African clawed frogs are aquatic frog from Sub-Saharan Africa.
Tomato Frog
A tomato frog really looks sort of like a tomato.
Waxy Monkey Tree Frog
The waxy monkey tree frog is a very interesting frog because it inhabits dry prairie land in South America.