It seems that spring is finally here. It is warm enough to take a walk outside without a coat.
Category Archives: Events
Canadian Pet Expo 2015
As usual I like to visit animal shows. So I did go to the Canadian Pet Expo that was held this weekend in the International Centre in Mississauga, Ontario.
Coral Cutting Workshop at MAST- 2015
The 2015 Coral Cutting Workshop by the Marine Aquarium Society of Toronto (MAST) was held last Wednesday on 11/February/2015 in the community center of the Armour Heights Public Library in Toronto.
Just a Little Snow
Toronto weather is usually pleasant, but last night we did have a snow storm and the stuff still covers everything.
Winter Already (2014)
It is the middle of November, but this is Canada. Even in Toronto we woke up to snow today.
Toronto Reptile Expo
After visiting the 2014 Canadian Reptile Breeders Expo I have started to look at other opportunities to see reptiles.
Canadian Reptile Breeders Expo 2014
The 2014 Canadian Reptile and Exotic Pet Breeders Expo took place in the International Centre in Mississauga, Ontario, on the 13-15 of September 2014.

January 22, 2014
by DDD
Comments Off on The Aftermath of the December 2013 Power Blackouts in Toronto
The Aftermath of the December 2013 Power Blackouts in Toronto
It seems that power blackouts in Toronto are just way too common. There seems to be a really big one every ten years or so (in 2003 because of the hot weather, and in 2013 because of the ice storm) … Continue reading