The western conifer seed bug is a common pest in North America.

Western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis), Scarborough, Ontario.
I took these pictures last September when I saw this seed bug sitting on the side of a car. The background is car paint, which makes the pictures look weird, but I don’t remember seeing one of these bugs before. Probably I should get out of the city more often.
The western conifer seed bug is in fact considered to be a pest as it ruins pine seeds. The damage caused is significant enough that people find it necessary to try to control the pine seed bug population.
Further Readings:
Western conifer seed bug on Wikipedia.
Western Conifer Seed Bug — Department of Entomology — Penn State University.
Pine Seed Bug (Western conifer seed bug) — Iowa Insect Information Notes.
Western Conifer Seed Bug — Department of Entomology — Penn State University.
Pine Seed Bug (Western conifer seed bug) — Iowa Insect Information Notes.
Last updated: March 20, 2016