Hedgehogs are the cutest little creatures and every child wants one as a pet, I certainly did.

Hedgehog (Erinaceus sp.) in Hungary.
The one in the picture was a wild individual that just walked out of the bushes in the front yard of the building where I have stayed recently while attending my high school reunion. It was soon chased away by children, so I have only managed to take not quite so good pictures of it. From the location and its looks it was probably an European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), but the range of other similar species overlap, so I cannot be certain.

Northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus), Szarvas Animal Park.
Hedgehogs are mainly insectivores but they do enjoy eating other small animals if they can overpower one. While hedgehogs have prickly spines all over some predators do manage to kill them and eat them, such as foxes, and Eurasian eagle-owls have been know to enjoy an occasional hedgehog.
Humans also eat hedgehogs in many countries. One recipe I have heard included encasing the creature in clay which will harden during the cooking process and take the spines with it when removed as the dish is served.
Other people could not imagine eating such a cute little critter and even keep a hedgehog as a pet.