Szeged, the Old Bridge and the Cathedral.


Szeged is a town in the south eastern part of Hungary.

Szeged, City Hall.

I used to live there when I was young and it is one of the places I tend to visit when I travel to Hungary.


Radnóti Miklós High School.

Hogwarts? — No, just my old high school.

Old Z.Nagy Ice cream shop.

The ice cream shop down the street from my old high school where I tried to spend more time than in the actual school building.


Szeged is a university town and various university buildings are scattered everywhere in the city.

University of Szeged, Rector's Offices.
University of Szeged, Dome Square.

A University of Szeged building at the Dome Square, i.e. facing the Cathedral.
This picture was taken during the winter because in the summer the entire square is covered with some metal contraption that serves as seating for the open air theatre there.


A picture of the Szeged Cathedral.

The Cathedral in Szeged, Hungary.

A statue of St George the dragonslayer.

A statue of St George the dragonslayer in front of the buildings of the University of Szeged.


Szeged Railway Terminal.

The Szeged Railway Station by night.

Places inside Szeged


Posts related to Szeged


Further Readings:

Szeged on Wikipedia.

Manhole Cover, Szeged, Hungary.
Places close to Szeged: Mórahalom.

Last updated: October 30, 2015