The 2017 Spring Canadian Pet Expo was held between April 14-16 at the International Centre in Mississauga, Ontario.
I try to avoid going there on the first day because the event tends to be crowded, but I did go to take a look on the last day which was Easter Sunday.
I have expected to see a lot of fat cats in cages, but fortunately I mostly saw really cute looking designer cats.

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, a Canadian breed actually used for duck hunting.
This guy has just won some award on the expo.
Since I was already used to the idea that the Canadian Pet Expo is more of a dog and cat show and less focused on exotic pets I have expected to see lots of dogs as well.

Kuvasz, a Hungarian dog breed was shown during the expo by the Kuvasz Club of Canada.
This is a type of dog that was used in Hungary to guard livestock (including the need to discourage a pack of hungry wolves from having your livestock for dinner).
It was good to see that this magnificent breed has fans on this side of the ocean too.
There were only a few reptiles, amphibians and various spiders and scorpions for sale — nothing like in a real reptile show.
There was also a reptile exhibit, including a petting zoo with a spectacled caiman in it — if you wanted your picture taken with such a beast.
There was also this huge tortoise just sitting behind a fence.

And I usually cannot resist taking pictures of glow in the dark Axolotls, even though I think it is crazy to have genetically modified pets.