The 2016 spring Canadian Pet Expo was held during the Easter weekend in the International Centre in Mississauga, Ontario.
I generally try to visit these expos, so I went to see what was going on.
This expo is a place to show off various cat and dog breeds as well as various small pets such as guinea pigs (always called cavy by enthusiasts) and rabbits.

Visitors are allowed to bring their own pets to the show, and lots of people had their dogs with them. It is nice to see that all dogs looked friendly and well behaved. A number of people had Great Danes which I have found fascinating — unfortunately I forgot to take any pictures.
Nevertheless it was mainly a dog and cat show.

My problem with dogs is that I always forget which breed is which.
There were some bizarre things, such as gods dressed as something else. Cages for keeping cats locked up outdoors — domestic cats are semi-feral animals, I can’t imagine locking them up is normal in any way.
Also there are the less mainstream breeds — I do not want to judge people, but I am not sure why we humans delight in creating animals that just look unnatural.
Reptiles and amphibians that I am usually interested in were a lot smaller part of the show.

Baby turtles look cute when they are small, but they tend to grow to a very large size. Do not get one as a pet unless you have the space for it.
Only a few vendors showed up for the event (nowhere near as many as in the dedicated reptile shows) but usual reptile zoo exhibits were still there.

A green iguana exhibited by the Reptilia.
Some more exotic pets were still represented at the expo, e.g. lots of spiders, scorpions and giant centipedes were available for sale.