Boehm’s zebras, also known as Grant’s zebras are yet another kind of zebra from Africa.

Boehm’s zebras, also known as Grant’s zebras (Equus quagga boehmi).
In the Szeged Zoo these are housed together with the giraffes, which is the tall animal whose legs are visible on the left.
The Boehm’s zebra or Grant’s zebra is usually classified as a subspecies of the plain’s zebra (Equus quagga — used to be called Equus burchellii but as I keep saying taxonomists also need to eat).
Further Readings:
Grant’s zebra on Wikipedia.
Equus quagga (Burchell’s Zebra, Common Zebra, Painted Zebra, Plains Zebra).
Equus quagga (Burchell’s Zebra, Common Zebra, Painted Zebra, Plains Zebra).
Last updated: October 14, 2015