Sand lizards are a European lizard species.

Sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) in the wild in Hungary.
Sand lizards are predators and they mostly eat insects. As a defense mechanism when attacked, a sand lizard might break off its tail. The tail continues moving attracting the attention of any predator while the lizard manages to get away. The tail does grow back, perhaps smaller and stubbier than the original.

Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis) in the Szeged Zoo.
The animal at the bottom is a green lizard — they were housed together.
Sand lizards are considered to be threatened in various areas of their range and they are protected by law, so do not go out and try to capture them.
In some countries captive bred sand lizards are available for purchase as pets, but care is not easy as they require a period of hibernation.
Further Readings:
Sand lizard videos, photos and facts – Lacerta agilis on ARKive.
Sand Lizard (Lacerta Agilis) – A-Z Animals.
Caresheet For Sandlizards – Lacerta agilis.