Chinese giant salamander.
Chinese giant salamander.

Chinese Giant Salamander

The Chinese giant salamander is the largest salamander, in fact the largest amphibian in the world. A fully grown Chinese giant salamander can be 1.8 meters long.

Chinese giant salamander.

Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus), Toronto Zoo.

The Chinese giant salamander is a critically endangered species. This is in part due to habitat destruction and other environmental changes, but the most significant factor in the decline of the numbers of the Chinese giant salamander is overhunting for human consumption.

The Chinese giant salamander, like most salamanders, is carnivorous and will eat smaller animals that fit into its mouth mainly insects, fish, frogs, shrimp and crabs.

Chinese giant salamander.

The animal shown in the pictures above is on display in the Toronto Zoo, in a huge aquarium in the giant panda exhibit’s building.

The closest relative of the Chinese giant salamander is the similar but much more common Japanese giant salamander.

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Last updated: February 11, 2015

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