Painted turtles are common in North America including Canada.

Midland painted turtles (Chrysemys picta marginata), Toronto Zoo.
There are several subspecies of painted turtles, the eastern, midland, southern and western painted turtles. These differ in coloration as well as in size. Painted turtles are aquatic and sort of look like a pond slider and have a similar life style.

Painted turtles can be kept as pets, but as always with aquatic turtles an appropriate body of water has to be provided for the turtles to swim in.
Further Readings:
Painted turtle on Wikipedia.
Painted Turtle – Ontario Herps.
Painted turtle Wildlife in Ontario.
Midland Painted Turtle Care Sheet.
Painted Turtle – Ontario Herps.
Painted turtle Wildlife in Ontario.
Midland Painted Turtle Care Sheet.
Last updated: January 31, 2015