The burgundy snail is one of the land snail species eaten as escargot.

Burgundy snail (Helix pomatia) in Hungary.
Burgundy snails, also known as Roman snails are quite common all over Europe. In some areas they are protected by law, but in lots of places they can be collected for human consumption.
In other places they even farm them.
Snails are eaten with lots of butter and herbs and spices, they are usually served in their shells.

Escargot from a grocery store in Canada.
Further Readings:
Helix pomatia on Wikipedia.
Escargot on Wikipedia.
Snail Cultivation (Heliciculture).
Escargot From Your Own Backyard.
Escargot on Wikipedia.
Snail Cultivation (Heliciculture).
Escargot From Your Own Backyard.
Last updated: July 3, 2014