Székesfehérvár was the traditional royal seat and the capital of the Kingdom of Hungary for its first few centuries. The first human settlements have been there at least since the 5th century BC when it was part of the Roman Empire.

A sign on the wall of a temple indicating the location of the palace of Stephen I, the first king of Hungary.
Székesfehérvár is one of the cities in historical Hungary known as “Fehérvár” (literally: White Castle) which seems to have been a common place name at one point.
Hungarian kings were traditionally crowned and buried in Székesfehérvár. So it is no surprise that the city is full of historical and royal references and monuments.
One can see Hungarian history almost anywhere.
The holy looking ancient kings are not the only ones memorialized for eternity. A local street food vendor, known as Kati néni (aunt Kati) also got her statue where she used to push her food cart in real life.